2024     Cleveland Photo Fest, The Woman’s Self Portrait Show

Bostwick Design Art Initiative, Cleveland, Ohio.

2024     Cleveland Photo Fest, Cleveland On The Streets

Gallery East at Cuyahoga Community College East Education Center, Highland Heights, Ohio.

2023     Cleveland Photo Fest, The Cleveland Open Photo Show

Bostwick Design Art Initiative, Cleveland, Ohio.

2022     Cleveland Photo Fest, Quiet Spaces & Hectic Places

Doubting Thomas Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio.

2021     17th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers

Barcelona, Spain.

2021     Cleveland Photo Fest, Open Eyes, Open Minds.

LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio.

2021     Cleveland Photo Fest, Speak In Images, See In Sounds.

Bostwick Design Art Initiative, Cleveland, Ohio.

2021     Phone Gallery, Space Inside.

Waterloo Arts District, Cleveland, Ohio.

2020    Gallery Kinetic, Decomposition Exhibition.

Cleveland Heights, Ohio. (Postponed due to COVID-19)

2019    12th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers.

Barcelona, Spain.

2018    Featured Artist, INTER/URBAN Arts and Culture Connector.

LAND Studio, RTA Redline Cleveland, Ohio.

2018    Trust Arts Education Center, Juried Visual Art Competition.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

2018    Solo Photography Exhibition, BEING, Loftworks Gallery.

Cleveland, Ohio.

2016    Photographer’s Forum Magazine, Best of Photography, finalist.

Santa Barbara, California.

2016    Solo Photography ExhibitionTen Thousand Villages Cleveland.

Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

2016   LA Artcore, Annual Exhibition.

Los Angeles, California.

2016   SOHO Photo Gallery, 2016 NATIONAL JURIED Competition.

Manhattan, New York.

2016   Springfield Art Association, A Culture of Images Exhibition.

Springfield, Illinois.

2016    Solo Photography Exhibition.TRANSPORT. The Wine Spot,

Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

2016    Waterloo Arts Gallery, National Juried Exhibition.

Cleveland, Ohio.

2016    Umbrella Arts Gallery in collaboration with Fountain House Gallery, ONE STEP BEYOND, Photography Exhibition.

Manhattan, New York.

2015    Black Box Gallery, Photo Shoot Exhibition.

Portland, Oregon.

2015    The Cleveland Print Room, Photography Exhibition.

Cleveland, Ohio.

2014    Artist Archives of the Western Reserve, Photography Exhibition.

Cleveland, Ohio.

2014    The Cleveland Print Room, Photography Exhibition.

Cleveland, Ohio.